walla... back to her glorious days, working fine and look fabulous

Pasangkan balik caseback dan screw dengan ketat. Pastikan seal diletakkan ditempatnye. Masukkan crown dengan pusing2kan sehingga ke point penyambungan stem dan tekan hingga bunyi klik melekat (Put the movement inside the case, screwed the caseback tightly. Pushed the crown until it was fixed with the stem)

Cuci movement dengan blower dan minyakkan (guna jet A1) movement di tempat yg ada gear terutama di escapement wheel dan bridges, Jgn sesekali terminyakkan balance wheel. Blow the the whole movement ( blowed and oiled the movement esp the gears, bridges and escapement wheel. Avoid oiling the balance wheel)

Enjin/dial hanya boleh dibuka dari atas dengan tarik crown secara perlahan (Case can be opened from the top by pulling out the crown, should be pulled it slowly)

Enjin/dial hanya boleh dibuka dari atas dengan tarik crown secara perlahan (Case can be opened from the top by pulling out the crown, should be pulled it slowly)

Caseback dibuka dengan unscrew 4 penjuru (unscrewed 4 joints on the caseback)